20six migration

There has been some noise lately in the german blogosphere as 20six has announced to switch its platform to another system they already operate called myblog.de. The migration has taken place last Thursday. Some of the users stayed but quite a bit also have chosen to go with new blog systems such as twoday or the 21Publish operated bloghof. Some people have wondered how this would affect 21Publish.

20six and 21Publish separated 16months ago to pursue different business models. 21Publish today is a separate and completely independent entity with no influence on any decision taken by 20six and vice versa. Upon splitting the company the key technology remained the same but since then 21Publish has modified and developed the 21Publish software in many ways with respect to features, security and performance.

Shortly before splitting the companies, 20six had acquired myblog.de which is by far the fastest growing service in Germany. Most of the myblog users are teens. 20six has decided quite a while ago to focus on such a target group of predominantly young people from 12 to 17 years old who appreciate a software such as myblog with a lesser or different set of features.  Since the decision was made by 20six to migrate to a new platform, enhancements to their specific version of the software has been minimized while 21Publish’s software has continued to enjoy R&D improvements. Therefore the migration by 20six has no impact at all on 21Publish apart from the fact that we are losing a customer.

Although this is so it is a strategic decision I can understand. As providing blogs is 20six core and only business it is difficult and expensive to maintain and support two different systems.  myblog has proven to be extremely succesful for the  teen target group of 20six and therefore it was a logical step to take.

on  December 26, 2005  at  1:34 PM

Unfortunatly tho, it seems that the UK 20six site has not even been informed of this mega change, many of us have blogged there since the start and are set to lose all the features we like because of a decsicion we weren't even consulted on. Surely in cases such as this, where the users are the ones generating all of the content and traffic it would have been fairer to consult us? I don't know the German 20siz site too well, but I do know the British one and its pretty clear that the changes will probably kill a big chunk of the community, most of our users aren't in that age group, we have a pretty good spread across ages, from that age up to a lot of the widely read bloggers who are young professionals or university students. Most all of us use the advanced features, and now surely are going to end up better of elsewhere, I guess thats what you get for two and a half years of loyalty to one provider.

Anyway, as you were one of the original founders, I must say it was a really good system, well done and thanks. And I'm glad for your blog here, as no one else has told us English users what is happening yet, makes us feel like an after thought that no one is interested in.
on  December 28, 2005  at  10:28 AM

Peter, Thank you for your kind words. There has been an announcement on 20six.co.uk on December 27 that migration will take place end of February.
on  December 30, 2005  at  1:16 AM

I second Peter in everything he said.
on  June 29, 2006  at  7:34 PM

Hello, very nice site! Please also visit my homepage:
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This is the personal blog of Stefan Wiskemann, founder of 21Publish and 20six
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