New Whitepaper on Corporate Group Blogs

Steve has written a new whitepaper on  Corporate Group Blogging. The whitepaper espcially highlights the advantages of Corporate Group Blogs over single author blogs or even just corporate news blogs that do not mention any author in particular.

Personally I think that Corporate Group Blogs such as the one from Mercury Interactive or PackNation (although this is more of an industry group blog) are the future of Corporate Blogs. I recently have read (unfortunately I forgot where that was) a post about research findings saying that people tend to believe employees more than they believe the boss. I think that sounds very credible. Corporate Group Blogs are intended to include employees  in corporate communication. So if the aforesaid is true Corporate Group Blogs should be a lot more credible than just single corporate blogs.  That is why I believe that Group Blogs are not only far more lively but also better to build tighter trust and ties with constituents.

Fredrik has written a post about it with some of the pros & cons he sees in Corporate Group Blogs. One of the cons is that a reader might dislike one of the bloggers. But even if that might be true in a Group Blog environment such a reader would have other blogs to read too. While if there was just one single corporate blogger a reader has no one else to turn to if for some reason he dislikes this persons. So in my view Corporate Group Blogs even reduce the risk of somebody disliking the personality that blogs for the company.

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