Long time no blog...

Wow, it has been a long time since I last blogged here. Just recently I have been asked in an interview how frequently a blog has to be used. In other words: when is a blog a blog. My answer was that given from my experience with 20six, a personal blog has to be used often, otherwise it has a likelihood of being abandoned. A business blog (please also read the this very interesting post about personal information on a business blog) can be updated less frequently as it follows another logic and intention.

Some remarkable portals have been set up using 21Publish in the last few weeks:

1. amnesty USA has set up a BlogPortal and started with a number of blogs on human rights issues. We are very happy to work for amnesty in the U.S. after already providing services to amnesty Germany.

2.  PackNation is a Portal that provides blogs to leading experts from the packaging industry.

3. And finally Internetwahlkampf is a very exiting project in Germany. Politicians from the six main parties who all run for a seat in the Deutsche Bundestag in the upcoming elections in September blog about their thoughts and experiences during their campaign. Good stuff!

Besides we have been very busy working on two major projects which are due for launch  late August or early September.

No feedback has been posted yet.

About me
This is the personal blog of Stefan Wiskemann, founder of 21Publish and 20six
More about me
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