Keep on blogging

I will but I have moved a while ago to our new group blog. Here is where you will find new entries.

Blog strategies for media companies

Over the last few months, we have been working intensively with media companies on concepts for integrating user-generated content. What most media companies do today is to have their own staff and their own journalists blogging. I often wonder what the objective of this concept might be. My guess is that the motivation sometimes is more a sentiment of "we should at least do something".

Here are some of the reasons against the concept of "blogging journalists":

  • Journalists are blogging during their working hours. Therefore, the costs for blogging are as high as all other content production.
  • Often the content is more or less the same as in the traditional publication, only in a new format
  • What makes blogs interesting is rather niche content than mainstream content. But the cost of production for niche content should be appropriate for its reach
  • The personalized content approach aiming to establish a journalist/reader relation often fails as journalists do not mingle with other bloggers as they barley comment on other blogs or sometimes do not even publish a blogroll to avoid outbound links.

All of this leads me to believe that the strategy for media companies has to be to benefit from user-generated content. It has the potential to tighten relationships with readers and users are able to produce and add content that cannot be covered at reasonable costs by the media brand itself.


Jupiter on corporate blogging

Toby Bloomberg has pointed to a recent survey by Jupiter on Corporate Blogging. She quoted the research “… 35 percent of large companies plan to institute corporate weblogs this year. Combined with the existing deployed base of 34 percent, nearly 70 percent of all site operators will have implemented corporate blogs by the end of 2006” and questioned if this could really be true.

My feeling is that all numbers on blogging out there are a bit vague even the number of active blogs. Anyway there is a huge trend going on and Corporate Blogging will certainly become more and more important in the future. As far as I know there is no research out there today if those blogging solutions will be multi-user or single-user solutions what of course I would be curious to see.



Worldcup in Germany

Worldcup in Germany startet last Friday and it has been fantastic so far.
Tonight I have the great pleasure to see Brazil vs. Croatia. A lifetime opportunity for me to see players like Ronaldinho, Ronaldo and Caca.

New participatory Blog Portals launched for German media companies

Over the past weeks we have launched a few Blog Portals for German media companies that invite users to contribute.

First of all there is germanblogs for Holtzbrinck Verlag, a leading German publishing group.  germanblogs is intended to create and market a network of skilled bloggers (very much like Creative Weblogging or WeblogsInc.). As far as I know this is the first initiative by one of the bigger European media networks to launch a 'blog media company'.

Also we have launched two Portals with Group Blogs for regional newspapers which you can see here and here. Both of them are fully integrated with the papers online appearances and allow readers to participate and write 'articles' themselves.

I have pointed out before that I believe that editorial and user-generated content will converge in the future and I feel affirmed by these new deployments as well as this recent article in The Economist about the change of the media industry through participatory media concepts.

As my background originally comes from Corporate Publishing I really love to see how the media industry and brands start working with blogs and user generated content: Here is a list of Portals we currently run for media companies and brands:

Ostsee Zeitung
HLX Airline
Edgar Medien