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Guy Kawasaki - The Art of the Start

Torsten has given  me The Art of the Start written by Guy Kawasaki CEO of VC company garage.  It is fascinating to read and provides a lot of useful tips and I am certainly going to adopt some of the techniques and exercises proposed. I like it especially because it  is written from inside a VC company who sees dozens of entrepreneurs each week.

Guy has published a very funny Top Ten list of lies that entrerpeneurs use. It is true most of them are really lies. There are two remarks I have:

it is VC companies who are responsible that some of these lies are told. Entrepreneurs pitching their company are only trying to give information they were educated to give simply because they are on the checklist of each VC. And my experience is that if you are not providing this information you certainly be asked for it

a big advertising agency has a claim that  goes "truth well told". I have seen a lot of lies well told and a lot of very experienced people believing them.  Every Top Ten lie can be very impressive if presented by a talented liar.

Anyway, it is a great book and worth reading.
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