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hlx first airline worldwide to launch a blogging community

hlx a leading German low cost airline - comparable to Jet Blue - has launched a blogging community using the 21Publish solution. With every booking of a flight customers of hlx now get the chance to start blogging by either posting to group blogs or by posting private photos.

The group blog concept is a perfect fit for brands like hlx. Users can post to blogs on e.g. Spain or other destinations to share travel experiences. Only when an entry has been published it is re-published on the profile page of the author. This way the brand is able to set the agenda and develop topics closely related to their brand. The user has by default writing access to all of these blogs. Also each post can be moderated by the administrator to keep inappropriate content out.

As far as I know hlx is the not only the first Airline to launch an open blogging community but also the first brand apart from media companies to have launched such a community. I refer to my last post on marketing and user generated content and I still believe that we will see much more of this coming up in the future.

Thank you hlx for choosing 21Publish!

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