The smaller one buys the bigger one?
When starting out 20six in Europe LiveJournal was very much our role
model. The press as well as the blogosphere hardly took notice of
LiveJournal. The services that was most written about was blogger in
the press and MT in the blogosphere. But nobody gained as many users as LiveJournal and especiallly
the activity rate of LJ users was (and still is) high above
Take a look at LJs stats you can see that they have almost 100.000 paying customers which should give them yearly sales of around $ 2m. I do not believe that any blogservice including Six Apart comes close to that number.
Take a look at LJs stats you can see that they have almost 100.000 paying customers which should give them yearly sales of around $ 2m. I do not believe that any blogservice including Six Apart comes close to that number.
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